Pre-class writing [LINK]

Use this link to submit your responses to the day’s reading. Due before class at 8:30am. The writing should be between 200 and 250 words, representing a single clear argument or statement that conveys your position/reaction to a specific action or occurrence in day’s fiction reading. You choose the topic.

Prompted Writing [LINK]

Use ~20 minutes to write a short response between 200 and 250 words. Half your time should be spent getting your ideas from your head onto the page; the other half should be spent revising your writing. The goal of this writing exercise is to engage with the prompt, either agreeing or disagreeing with it directly or considering the assumptions underlying the prompt and engaging with those.

Discussion Leader Signup [LINK]

Group assignments

Group 1: Rawan, Aayan, Pauline

Group 2: Youssef, Sophie, Faisal

Group 3: Greeshma, Fifa, Sanzad

Group 4: Fatima, Nur, Raya, Amiteash